Ann Sloan Obituary

Funeral service for Mrs. Ann Baker Sloan will be 11:00 A.M. Wednesday, September 14 , 2022, at Ligon & Bobo Funeral Home with Bro. Rodney Duckett and Bro. Gary McCaleb officiating. Interment Leeville Cemetery. Visitation Tuesday 4-7 P.M. and Wednesday after 10 A.M. at Ligon & Bobo.

Mrs. Sloan, 88, of the Leeville Community passed away peacefully in her home in Lebanon on September 10, 2022.

Born June 5, 1934, in Robertson County, Tennessee, Billie “Ann” Sloan was the daughter of Bro. William L. and Bonnie Anderson Baker. She was a member and faithful servant of the Mt Olivet Baptist church where she started a food pantry to help others and faithfully played piano every Sunday morning until she retired. Prior, she was a stay at home mom before she volunteered as a candy striper at Vanderbilt Hospital which she enjoyed immensely, always doing for others. She worked alongside her husband in their medical supply business. After being a stay at home mom for many years, she decided she wanted to go back to work. She so enjoyed her years at Wilson Bank and Trust, with fellow employees and customers. She and Daddy both enjoyed their retirement years growing beautiful flowers, ferns and vegetable plants. Her mornings were filled with Bible reading and journaling with what she said the Lord wanted for her or for what He wanted her to do that day.

She was preceded in death by her husband of 53 years, Malcolm Sloan, father, Bro. William L. Baker, and mother, Bonnie Anderson Baker. Father-n-law Oplis Sloan, Mother-in-law Eura Krantz Sloan Van Atta. Survivors include her four children, Bill Sloan of Lebanon; Malcolm Sloan Jr. of Hermitage; David (Gena) Sloan of Mt. Juliet; and Sharon Sloan (Victor) Jeffreys of Mt. Hope, AL. Brother-in-law, Bobby (Nan) Sloan, Sister-in-Law, Joyce (Jack) Worrill of Knoxville. She was blessed with 6 grandchildren and 11 great children with 2 others on the way.

Pallbearers: Bill Sloan, Malcolm Sloan, Jr. David Sloan, Joshua Sloan, Andrew Sloan, Lance Farrar, Trey Kimbro and Victor Jeffreys.

Honorary Pallbearers: Mt Olivet Women’s Sunday School class and Church Deacons

A very special thank you to mom’s Doctor, Brenda McFarlin, to the staff and nursing staff at Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital. And, to Alive Hospice and the nurses, call nurses, social worker and Chaplain and all staff for the excellent care and assistance with care.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to be made to Alive Hospice of 205 W. High Street, Suite 102, Lebanon, TN 37087

Thank You to everyone’s unending thoughts and prayers.

Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart, Lean Not on Your own Understanding. In All Your Ways, Acknowledge Him and he will lead your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

LIGON & BOBO FUNERAL HOME of Lebanon (615) 444-2142

Ann Baker Sloan

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